Inside the Author's Brain Pt 1

What on earth was I thinking?

What would a real zombie infestation be like if it could ever happen that is? I had to answer these and many other questions before I began writing this.
The basic questions were.
  • Would they be fast or slow moving? The answer came out of many discussions with my sons and friends. Ravenous fast and furious was the overwhelming consensus. These zombies would not allow survivours to rest much and would make even the most basic chore a real pain in the bum. This should make it scarier too.
  • Would the zombies be like the ones in the original movies that ate brains. A quick look at the leaders we elect I figured these type of zombies would starve to death
  • Are they actually undead? mmm! Not really that feasible today...
  • How fast is incubation given that a quick turn would produce chaos and panic and a slow turn would make things totally unpredictable and hence very few survivors? Would the authorities save us or just themselves as usual? Given that my version and many other lesser stories, have the incubation period at about an hour, what chance would we have to stop it rapidly spreading? Probably about the same chance we would have standing on a beach watching Tsunami coming toward us. SFA.
  • Where would you be most likely to survive an event like this? It would definitely be much safer (due to lower populations) for non zombies in country areas,  than in the city. I would still not like to have a bunch of them stumble into my camp-site after I have finished that second bottle of looted Grange Hermitage, wine late at night.

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